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发布时间 :2023-05-11 10:35  来源:

报告题目:Concepts, models, and impedance of electric double layers





报告摘要:The interface between a metal and an electrolyte solution is termed an electric double layer (EDL), so named because the metal and electrolyte solution phases are usually loaded with charge of the same magnitude but opposite signs. It is the very place where electrochemical reactions, which are key to securing sustainable and clean energy, occur. Understanding the EDL is a long-standing problem in electrochemistry, for it is a nanoscale, mixed quantum-classical, open system that is situated, in terms of methodical challenges, at the border of atomistic and continuum theoretical approaches.

In this talk, I will begin with introducing basic concepts of EDLs, including double-layer capacitance, surface charge, potential of zero charge, chemisorption, etc. Then, I will present a recent conceptual model of a prototypical EDL formed between a Pt(111) electrode and an aqueous solution. This model will be related to earlier models and recent experimental data. Afterwards, I will introduce a constant-potential, computationally efficient theoretical method for modelling EDLs, namely, the so-called density-potential functional theory, that is under development in my group. Finally, I will discuss transfer functions of EDLs, focusing on the electrochemical impedance response. It will be shown that the impedance of a deceptively simple EDL is richly complex.

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